2013-12-29 Features thoughts... * on control-stage, indicate whether it's being echoed or not ** no second monitor ** second monitor live mirrorong (inner-glow blue border?) ** second monitor on hold, awaiting "take" (blinking red border?) Two control panes. -------------- CONTROL PANE 1 When nothing held down, can set: things relating to the Next Touch, like color, starting size, (shape/sprite/gobo &c) backdrop eventually, save and restore a whole Scene here. --------------- CONTROL PANE 2 When holding a spot, controls for the spot (or spots, grouped control) show up * diameter * new color * checkbox for [hold after release] Animation * slew rate for the spots, and getspotlights should give you the moving values (maybe targets too if you want) * On spotlight diameter: attenuate the brightness very slightly as it grows, to simulate beam spread. Jsut a little. --------------- A "mirror mode" for controlling it from the stage, looking outwards. A reference grid on the stage controller On external screen, add a faded edge, so no sharp lines at the video rectangle boundaries. Mode where disabled lights still show as red pinpoints, so you can point them before activating --- create a global pub sub system... among other things, can be used for some debug info for behind-the-scenes timer activities. a row of colored boxes at bottom of control panel would be enough. leds. === using wi-fi to appletv can be very slow, if you're not near the wi-fi access point. Can cause major delayed-drawing. CGContextSetShouldAntialias(self->g, NO); made things a little quicker. Will need opengl to go full speed later. // Compositing Filter is not supported on IOS. Consider doing rendering in pure GLES, to get light-wise compositing. Yum! ================= microbacklog. X implement SpotlightControls view with 2 slider & 2 latching buttons X make SpotlightControls view appear when clicking on stage control X add field to set debugPip messagetype base X add header file with all messagetype values for this app OminoGoboMessages.h X make spotlight dragging relative to grab-point X have changes to Spotlight reflect back to controls correctly, too. X Layout rectangle helper, you give it a grid definition of Bounds, Margin, and Either a)number of pixels or b)number of cells for each Across and down. X Control-maker helper (built in to omview?), you give it view, grid, grid range, and it can make various control types. X Incorporate titles into controls maybe... X Put spot controls close box in top right. X Allow selecting by layer (stacked disks, select the topmost one == higher spotlight number) X Implement hue and saturation (will need to re-draw spotlights Stage will have to manage the bitmaps now. (I think? how to share across both stage?) "Brightness" for now is always 1, and dimming is done with alpha (more projection-like). X "Add" button Solo Implement different spotlight shapes X faded edge on projection stage Allow spotlight rotation (more interesting with special shapes) X On control stage, highlight selected spotlight On control stage, highlight spotlight while dragging, in area not under finger (big + through it?) On display stage, optional "pilot" beam, small red dot perhaps, to position before commit X Consider: Should animation be handled by the Stage? Then, express settings as "target+rate". Stage could choose to ignore the animation. Indicator for second-screen active: a frame around the control-stage Ability to LOCK the second screen, indicated by blinking the second-screen indicator 0 Scene selector UISegmentedControl... "Lock" a spotlight, so we cannot select it, for a scene control A Test Pattern generator (for focusing) =========================================== New layout STAGE sliver with buttons for +Spotlight, +Media, ? lower area, scrolling inspector for selected STAGE ITEM OGScene -- list of OGStageItems OGStageItem -- base type for things which can be on the stage position & size ====== 2014-01-21 Onward! TODO: X Save selected item X Save selected scene On background/return from background, release "holding" states X -- spotlight hold-for-clone X -- selectNext hold-for-highlight Web site for app support Iphone 5 sized Default image application icon Bug with missing thumbnails highlight editing stage when external video is active Cache some photos for speedier loading Include a Help page (instead of "special") add a "clear screen" button on scenes add a "test pattern" on scenes bug switching from Video on airplay over to OminoGobo, have to turn off/turn on airplay. render spotlights in background... make big scenes not freeze the ui. handle case where document refers to photo that is now gone.