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omino midigram

by david van brink
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a midi visualizer
omino midigram is a Mac OS X application for displaying midi traffic. i wrote it while developing some midi hardware and needing to easily and immediately apprehend its operation, whilst iterating on the firmware.
it is designed to be visible from across the room, while also providing accurate data.
omino midigram is built using qt open source edition. i heartily recommend qt. it has a good api.
macintosh: --macdownload--
2008.03.14 started
2008.04.02 v1.0
keywords: free mac os x usb midi visualizer monitor application core midi
screen shots
+ +
this product is bsd licensed. use and enjoy, attribute me.
if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email me, poly ai tee omino dee oh tee com. subject line must begin with "midigram" or my spam filter will discard it.
safety claims
these software employs no file or network access. source code available.