head 1.1; access; symbols; locks poly:1.1; strict; comment @ * @; 1.1 date 2006.; author poly; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @in @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @// file: qtc_utils.c // // started 2003.03.02 // various helpful routines for command line QuickTime utilities // #include "qtc_utils.h" #include #include "version.h" #ifndef HOSTNAME #define HOSTNAME "(missing hostname)" #endif // | // | verbosity... 0: silent // | 1: normal // | 2: chatty // | 3: debug // | int g_verbosity = 1; void nr_printf(int verbosity_level,char *format,...) { if(verbosity_level <= g_verbosity) { va_list v; va_start(v,format); vprintf(format,v); // | end of line? if(format[strlen(format) - 1] >= 0x20) printf("\n"); } } char *p2c(StringPtr p) { char *c = malloc(p[0] + 1); // this is so tiny, it must not fail. If it does, our so-called // "modern" digital computing device is in very bad shape, and // frankly the user has worse troubles than this tool poof-ing. // Note that we (I say "we" haha, its me, all me) don't ever // dispose these little mallocs. Well, these utilities are for // command line tools which run for a little while, and // then exit. Exit. Think of exiting as garbage collection, at // a programmatically convenient granularity. memcpy(c,p+1,p[0]); c[p[0]] = 0; return c; } char *h2c(Handle h) { int len = GetHandleSize(h); char *c = malloc(len + 1); memcpy(c,*h,len); c[len] = 0; return c; } Handle c2h(char *c) { Handle h; int len = strlen(c); h = NewHandle(len); memcpy(*h,c,len); return h; } StringPtr c2p(char *c) { int l; StringPtr p; l = strlen(c); if(l > 255) l = 255; p = malloc(l + 1); p[0] = l; memcpy(p + 1,c,l); return p; } char *o2c(OSType o) { char *c = malloc(5); int i; memcpy(c,&o,4); c[4] = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) if(c[i] < 0x20 || c[i] > 0x7e) c[i] = '.'; return c; } OSType c2o(char *c) { OSType o = ' '; int p = 32; //!!!if(!c || (c[0] == '0' && c[1] == 0)) // let '0 ' be 0 //!!!return 0; if(c[0] == '.' // let '....' be 0 & c[1] == '.' & c[2] == '.' & c[3] == '.') return 0; while(p && *c && (*c != ',')) // means we cant have a comma in the OSType... { p -= 8; o &= ~(0x000000ff << p); // knock out the space... o |= *c << p; c++; } return o; } Fixed d2f(double d) { UnsignedFixed uf; Fixed f; uf = (UnsignedFixed)(d * 65536); f = uf; return f; } double f2d(Fixed f) { double d; unsigned long uf = f; d = uf; d = d / 65536.0; return d; } char *csubstr(char *x,int first,int len) { char *result = malloc(len + 1); int i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) result[i] = x[first + i]; result[i] = 0; return result; } // +-------------------------------- // | int nr_find_arg // | ( // | int argc, argc and argv from main() // | char *argv[], // | char *argname, a --parameter to look for // | int *value_int_out, its numeric value (decimal or 0xHex) // | char **value_string_out the string out (pointer in place) // | ) // | // | if argname is a string for a decimal integer, like "1" or "2", &c, // | then we look for the Nth non-dash param. (typically file names) // | // | Does this mean we cant have parameters like --1=foo.mov? // | yes, it does. Or at least, you cannot use nr_find_arg() to // | find it. // | int nr_find_arg(int argc,char *argv[],char *argname,int *value_int_out,char **value_string_out) { int i; char an1[k_string_size]; int an1_len; char *value_string = 0; int value_int = 0; int found_it = 0; int undashed_index = 0; sscanf(argname,"%d",&undashed_index); if(undashed_index != 0) // "1", "2", or like that { for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *w = argv[i]; if(w[0] != '-') // found an undashed arg { undashed_index--; // found the Nth one? if(undashed_index == 0) { found_it = 1; value_string = w; goto go_home; } } } goto go_home; // didnt find it. } strcpy(an1,"--"); strcat(an1,argname); an1_len = strlen(an1); for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { char *w = argv[i]; if(strstr(w,an1) == w) { // | // | found argument. does it have =something? // | if(w[an1_len] == '=') value_string = w + an1_len + 1; else value_string = "1"; found_it = 1; goto go_home; } } // didnt find it, fall through (with found_it unset) go_home: if(found_it) { if(value_int_out) { // | // | convert to number // | if(value_string[0] == '0' && value_string[1] == 'x') sscanf(value_string,"%x",&value_int); else sscanf(value_string,"%d",&value_int); *value_int_out = value_int; } if(value_string_out) *value_string_out = value_string; } return found_it; } char *r_find_arg_index(int argc, char *argv[],char *argname,int index) { int found_it; char *value; char *result = 0; // | no such param? return null found_it = nr_find_arg(argc,argv,argname,0,&value); if(!found_it) goto go_home; // | count commas... while(index-- > 0) { char *next_comma = strstr(value,","); if(next_comma == 0) // no more commas? goto go_home; else value = next_comma + 1; } // | empty string (maybe like --param=1,,3 index 1)? return null if(value[0] == 0 || value[0] == ',') goto go_home; result = value; go_home: return result; } char *nr_find_arg_string(int argc, char *argv[],char *argname,int index,char *dflt) { char *value; char *result = dflt; value = r_find_arg_index(argc,argv,argname,index); if(!value) goto go_home; result = value; go_home: return result; } int nr_find_arg_int(int argc, char *argv[],char *argname,int index,int dflt) { char *value; int result = dflt; value = r_find_arg_index(argc,argv,argname,index); if(!value) goto go_home; if(value[0] == '0' && value[1] == 'x') sscanf(value + 2,"%x",&result); else sscanf(value,"%d",&result); go_home: return result; } double nr_find_arg_double(int argc, char *argv[],char *argname,int index,double dflt) { char *value; double result = dflt; value = r_find_arg_index(argc,argv,argname,index); if(!value) goto go_home; sscanf(value,"%Le",&result); go_home: return result; } OSType nr_find_arg_ostype(int argc, char *argv[],char *argname,int index,OSType dflt) { char *value; OSType result = dflt; value = r_find_arg_index(argc,argv,argname,index); if(!value) goto go_home; result = c2o(value); go_home: return result; } // A Math Routine Or Two int nr_map_int(int value, int sourceRangeLow,int sourceRangeHigh, int destinationRangeLow,int destinationRangeHigh) { int sourceRange = sourceRangeHigh - sourceRangeLow; int destinationRange = destinationRangeHigh - destinationRangeLow; value -= sourceRangeLow; value = (int)((double)value * destinationRange / sourceRange); value += destinationRangeLow; return value; } void nr_enter_movies(void) { static ever_did_enter = 0; if(!ever_did_enter) { GrafPtr safetyPort; nr_printf(3,"EnterMovies();"); EnterMovies(); ever_did_enter = 1; // | // | Turns out QuickTime needs a port, any port, to work // | (though, without one, it may limp along sort of ok // | for a while), so we make one here. // | (Actually, everything works fine without doing this, // | but I heard you had to, so I'm leaving it in. dvb -- 2003) // | safetyPort = CreateNewPort(); SetPort( safetyPort ); } } Movie nr_new_movie_from_file(char *filename) { Movie mo = 0; short frefnum = -1; short movie_resid = 0; mo = nr_new_movie_from_file_x(filename,&frefnum,&movie_resid); if(frefnum != -1) CloseMovieFile(frefnum); return mo; } // +------------------ // | nr_new_movie_from_file_x returns to you the resrefnum and resid, // | and you the caller must close the movie file, with CloseMovie(resrefnum). // | Movie nr_new_movie_from_file_x(char *filename,short *resrefnum_out,short *resid_out) { OSErr err; FSSpec fs; Movie mo = 0; short frefnum = -1; short movie_resid = 0; nr_enter_movies(); err = NativePathNameToFSSpec(filename,&fs,0); bailerr(err,"NativePathNameToFSSpec"); err = OpenMovieFile(&fs,&frefnum,0); bailerr(err,"OpenMovieFile"); err = NewMovieFromFile(&mo,frefnum,&movie_resid,0,newMovieActive,0); bailerr(err,"OpenMovieFile"); go_home: if(!mo) { frefnum = 0; movie_resid = 0; } *resrefnum_out = frefnum; *resid_out = movie_resid; return mo; } ComponentInstance nr_open_component(OSType ctype,OSType csubtype, OSType cmfr) { int err; ComponentDescription cd = {0}; ComponentDescription cd2 = {0}; Component co = 0; ComponentInstance ci = 0; OSType osubtype; OSType omfr; cd.componentType = ctype; osubtype= csubtype; omfr = cmfr; nr_printf(3,"nr_open_component %s:%s (%08x:%08x)", o2c(osubtype), o2c(omfr), osubtype, omfr); // | // | march through components until subtype & mfr match // | co = 0; while (0 != (co = FindNextComponent(co,&cd))) { GetComponentInfo(co,&cd2,0,0,0); nr_printf(3,"FindNextComponent: 0x%08x, %s:%s (%08x:%08x)", co, o2c(cd2.componentSubType), o2c(cd2.componentManufacturer), cd2.componentSubType, cd2.componentManufacturer); if(cd2.componentSubType == osubtype && cd2.componentManufacturer == omfr) { err = OpenAComponent(co,&ci); bailerr(err,nr_sprintf("OpenAComponent %d",err)); goto go_home; } } bailerr(-1,"FindNextComponent"); go_home: return ci; } // +---------------------------------------------- // | Misc Graphics // | // | void GoGrey(int grey) // 0..255 { RGBColor co; co.red = co.green = co.blue = grey<<8; RGBForeColor(&co); } void GoBW() { ForeColor(blackColor); BackColor(whiteColor); } // +---------------------------------------------- // | routines for pretty formatted printing // | // | So all our tools have a similar display look // | void nr_print_info(char *title, char *value) { nr_printf(1,"+ %26s : %s \n",title,value); } void nr_print_cr(void) { nr_printf(1,"+"); } void nr_print_int(char *title,int v) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%d",v); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_int_of_int(char *title,int v1,int v2) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%d of %d",v1,v2); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_int2(char *title,int v1,int v2) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%d / %d",v1,v2); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_int3(char *title,int v1,int v2,int v3) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%d / %d / %d",v1,v2,v3); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_dims(char *title,int width,int height) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%d x %d",width,height); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_createmodtime(char *title,unsigned long t1,unsigned long t2) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%lu / %lu",t1,t2); nr_print_info(title,s); } char *r_d2s(double v) { char *s = malloc(k_string_size); if(v == (int)v) sprintf(s,"%d",(int)v); else sprintf(s,"%.2f",v); return s; } // nr_sprintf is just like sprintf, but it allocates a string for you // (And, as with the rest of this library and the tools who use it, // it's never collected. Come on. This is 200x, and it is a command // tool which runs briefly, then quits. Let the OS dispose my // strings with the whole process. Hooray.) char *nr_sprintf(char *format,...) { va_list v; char *s = malloc(k_string_size); va_start(v,format); vsprintf(s,format,v); return s; } void nr_print_d_frame_rate(char *title,double v) { char s[k_string_size]; if(v) sprintf(s,"%s",r_d2s(v)); else sprintf(s,"movie"); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_d_data_rate(char *title,double v) { char s[k_string_size]; if(v) sprintf(s,"%s",r_d2s(v)); else sprintf(s,"whatever"); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_d_audio_format(char *title,double sample_rate,int sample_size,int channel_count) { char s[k_string_size]; char cc[k_string_size]; if(channel_count == 1) sprintf(cc,"mono"); else if(channel_count == 2) sprintf(cc,"stereo"); else sprintf(cc,"%d",channel_count); sprintf(s,"%s / %d / %s",r_d2s(sample_rate),sample_size,cc); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_double(char *title,double v) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%s",r_d2s(v)); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_d_time_range(char *title,double v1,double v2) { char s[k_string_size]; if(v2 == 0) sprintf(s,"all"); else if(v1 == 0) sprintf(s,"%f",v2); else sprintf(s,"%.4f to %.4f",v1,v2); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_yesno(char *title,int v) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%s",v ? "yes" : "no"); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_string(char *title,StringPtr v) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%s",p2c(v)); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_ostype(char *title, OSType v) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%s",o2c(v)); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_dimensions(char *title, Fixed width, Fixed height) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"(%d,%d)",width >> 16,height >> 16); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_time(char *title,TimeValue v,TimeScale scale) { char s[k_string_size]; double t; t = v; t = t / scale; sprintf(s,"%.3f (%d/%d)",t,v,(int)scale); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_rate(char *title,Fixed r) { char s[k_string_size]; int w; int f; w = r >> 16; f = (r & 0x0000ffff); f = f * 100000 / 65536; sprintf(s,"%d.%06d",w,f); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_volume(char *title,short v) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%d",v); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_rect(char *title,Rect *r) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"(%d,%d,%d,%d)",r->left,r->top,r->right,r->bottom); nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_rgn(char *title,RgnHandle rgn) { char s[k_string_size]; Rect rgn_bounds; if(!rgn) sprintf(s,"(null)"); else if(rgn) { GetRegionBounds(rgn,&rgn_bounds); if(EmptyRgn(rgn)) sprintf(s,"(empty)"); else { if(!IsRegionRectangular(rgn)) sprintf(s,"non"); else s[0] = 0; sprintf(s + strlen(s),"rectangular (%d,%d,%d,%d)", rgn_bounds.left, rgn_bounds.top, rgn_bounds.right, rgn_bounds.bottom); } } nr_print_info(title,s); } void nr_print_handler(char *title,OSType htype,OSType hmfr,StringPtr hname) { char s[k_string_size]; sprintf(s,"%s/%s %s",o2c(htype),o2c(hmfr),p2c(hname)); nr_print_info(title,s); } // | // | Handy atom container <--> file // | OSErr nr_file_to_atom_container(char *filename,QTAtomContainer *ac_out) { FSSpec fs; short fref = -1; long len; OSErr err = 0; QTAtomContainer ac = 0; err = NativePathNameToFSSpec(filename,&fs,0); bailerr(err,"NativePathNameToFSSpec"); err = FSpOpenDF(&fs,fsRdPerm,&fref); bailerr(err,"FSpOpenDF"); err = GetEOF(fref,&len); bailerr(err,"GetEOF"); ac = (QTAtomContainer)NewHandleClear(len); err = MemError(); bailerr(err,"NewHandleClear"); err= FSRead(fref,&len,*(Handle)ac); bailerr(err,"FSRead"); go_home: if(fref != -1) err = FSClose(fref); if(err && ac) { QTDisposeAtomContainer(ac); ac = 0; } *ac_out = ac; return err; } OSErr nr_atom_container_to_file(QTAtomContainer ac,char *filename) { FSSpec fs; short fref = -1; long len; OSErr err; err = NativePathNameToFSSpec(filename,&fs,0); if(!err) { // found it? we must delete (dee ee vee oh) we must delete err = FSpDelete(&fs); bailerr(err,"FSpDelete"); } else if(err == fnfErr) err = 0; bailerr(err,"NativePathNameToFSSpec"); err = FSpCreate(&fs,'dvbx','data',smSystemScript); bailerr(err,"FSpCreate"); err = FSpOpenDF(&fs,fsRdWrPerm,&fref); bailerr(err,"FSpOpenDF"); len = GetHandleSize((Handle)ac); err = FSWrite(fref,&len,*(Handle)ac); bailerr(err,"FSWrite"); go_home: if(fref != -1) err = FSClose(fref); return err; } OSErr nr_find_deep_atom(QTAtomContainer ac,char *path,QTAtom *atom_out,int create_as_we_go) { QTAtom a = 0; QTAtom a_child; QTAtomType at; OSErr err = 0; nr_printf(3,"nr_find_deep_atom: \'%s\'%s",path,create_as_we_go ? ", create_as_we_go":""); if(strlen(path) % 4) { err = -1; bailerr(err,"nr_find_deep_atom_data: path must be 4n"); } // | // | Find the requested atom // | while(strlen(path) >= 4) { memcpy(&at,path,4); path += 4; nr_printf(3,"nr_find_deep_atom: (\'%s\')",o2c(at)); a_child = QTFindChildByIndex(ac,a,at,1,0); if(!a_child) { if(create_as_we_go) { err = QTInsertChild(ac,a,at,1,1,0,0,&a_child); bailerr(err,"QTInsertChild"); } else { // not found! (but silent error, we expect this, often) err = -1; } } a = a_child; } go_home: if(err) a = 0; else nr_printf(3,"nr_find_deep_atom: returning 0x%08x",a); *atom_out = a; return err; } int nr_get_deep_atom_data(QTAtomContainer ac,char *path,int data_out_size,void *data_out) { OSErr err = 0; QTAtom a; long data_len; void *data_ptr; err = nr_find_deep_atom(ac,path,&a,0); if(err) goto go_home; err = QTGetAtomDataPtr(ac,a,&data_len,(Ptr *)&data_ptr); bailerr(err,"QTGetAtomDataPtr"); if(data_len != data_out_size) { err = -1; goto go_home; } memcpy(data_out,data_ptr,data_out_size); go_home: return err; } // | // | using a path composed of 4n characters, // | descend the atom container and add the requested data // | OSErr nr_insert_deep_atom_data(QTAtomContainer ac,char *path,int data_size,void *data) { return nr_insert_deep_atom_data_id ( ac, path, data_size, data, 1 ); } OSErr nr_delete_deep_atom(QTAtomContainer ac,char *path) { QTAtom a = 0; OSErr err; err = nr_find_deep_atom(ac,path,&a,0); if(!err && a) { err = QTRemoveAtom(ac,a); bailerr(err,"QTRemoveAtom"); } err = 0; go_home: return err; } OSType nr_last_four_chars(char *filename) { char *last4 = filename + strlen(filename) - 4; // cheese! OSType result = c2o(last4); return result; } OSErr nr_insert_deep_atom_data_id(QTAtomContainer ac,char *path,int data_size,void *data,QTAtomID id) { QTAtom a = 0; QTAtom a_child; QTAtomType at; OSErr err; char outer_path[k_string_size]; // | // | First: delete the atom if it exists // | err = nr_delete_deep_atom(ac,path); err = 0; // | // | Next: descend to just above our new atom, // | creating the parents as we descend // | strcpy(outer_path,path); outer_path[strlen(path) - 4] = 0; // clip off last path segment err = nr_find_deep_atom(ac,outer_path,&a,1); bailerr(err,"nr_find_deep_atom"); // | // | and pop in our new child // | memcpy(&at,path + strlen(path) - 4,4); QTInsertChild(ac,a,at,id,1,data_size,data,&a_child); bailerr(err,"QTInsertChild"); go_home: return err; } OSErr nr_insert_deep_atom_byte(QTAtomContainer ac,char *path,char byte_of_data) { return nr_insert_deep_atom_data(ac,path,1,&byte_of_data); } OSErr nr_insert_deep_atom_short(QTAtomContainer ac,char *path,short short_of_data) { return nr_insert_deep_atom_data(ac,path,2,&short_of_data); } OSErr nr_insert_deep_atom_long(QTAtomContainer ac,char *path,long long_of_data) { return nr_insert_deep_atom_data(ac,path,4,&long_of_data); } OSErr nr_file_exists(char *filename) { FSSpec fs; FInfo finfo; OSErr err = 0; err = NativePathNameToFSSpec(filename,&fs,0); if(err) goto go_home; err = FSpGetFInfo(&fs,&finfo); go_home: // return noErr if file exists return err; } void nr_print_version(char *filename) { char program_name[k_string_size]; strcpy(program_name,filename); // turn blah.c to blah program_name[strlen(program_name) - 2] = 0; printf("\n"); printf(":\n"); printf(": %s version %s.%s-[%s] %s\n", program_name, k_version_major, k_version_minor, k_version_build_number, k_version_date); printf(": built on %s\n",HOSTNAME); printf(": (c) David Van Brink, poly@@omino.com\n"); printf(":\n"); } // -------------------------------------- // | Image Sequence Goodies // Start with a filename, and populate sequence_stuff so we can // generate related filenames by index number #define m_isdigit(_char) (((_char) >= '0') && ((_char) <= '9')) void nr_filename_to_sequence_stuff(char *filename,sequence_stuff *seqstuff_out) { int firstDigitIndex = -1; int lastDigitIndex = -1; int len = strlen(filename); int i; i = 0; while(firstDigitIndex < 0 && i < len) { char k = filename[i]; if(m_isdigit(k)) firstDigitIndex = i; i++; } while(lastDigitIndex < 0 && i < len) { char k = filename[i]; if(!m_isdigit(k)) lastDigitIndex = i; i++; } seqstuff_out->beforeNumerals = csubstr(filename,0,firstDigitIndex); seqstuff_out->digitCount = lastDigitIndex - firstDigitIndex; seqstuff_out->indexMax = 1; for(i = 0; i < seqstuff_out->digitCount; i++) seqstuff_out->indexMax *= 10; seqstuff_out->afterNumerals = csubstr(filename,lastDigitIndex,len - lastDigitIndex); seqstuff_out->fmt = nr_sprintf("%%s%%0%dd%%s",seqstuff_out->digitCount); } // using sequence_stuff, get a filename by index. char *nr_sequence_stuff_to_filename(sequence_stuff *seqstuff,int index) { return nr_sprintf(seqstuff->fmt,seqstuff->beforeNumerals,index,seqstuff->afterNumerals); } // end of file @