# # Entries for the omino suite # <style> .pluginTitle { color: #800000 ;font-size:20px ; font-fzamily:arial ;font-weight: bold} </style> ============================== <div class="box400"> ??title?? <div class="pluginTitle">::title::</div> <div class="br"></div> ??controls?? <center><img src="::thisdir::/img/::controls::" /></center> <div class="br"></div> ??mov?? <embed src="::thisdir::/img/::mov::" width="::movwidth::" height="::movheight::" controller="false" loop="true" name="::movid::" enablejavascript="true" /><br /><a href="javascript:document.::movid::.Stop();">[stop]</a><a href="javascript:document.::movid::.SetIsLooping(true);document.::movid::.Play();">[go]</a><a href="javascript:document.::movid::.Step(-1);">[-]</a><a href="javascript:document.::movid::.Step(1);">[+]</a> <div class="br"></div> ??img?? <img src="::thisdir::/img/::img::" /> <div class="br"></div> ??imga?? <img src="::thisdir::/img/::imga::" /> <div class="br"></div> ??description?? ::description:: </div> + ============================== ============================== title: omino colorizer img: exampleColorizer.png description: this filter merely applies a color across the entire frame. this turns out to be astonishingly useful... for some reason, it seemed i was always creating a solid with mode multiply. but it does a little more, with settings for additive (light) or subtractive (ink). has parameter to choose to draw the result in all remaining colors, just the colorizing color, or greys. <div class="br"></div> easy recipe: apply additive-colorizing for cyan, magenta, yellow, and a mild grey to the same source movie. composite using darken-mode. darken like ink. lastly apply noise and jitter. instant newspaper flipbook fun. serves 4 to 6. ------ title: omino diffusion img: exampleDiffusion.png description: an error diffusion applied for the worse. choose which colors are available and the filter tries possibly in vain to march the image. march up, left, down, or right. specify fat stripes and exaggerated error propagation. krunk's the word. <div class="br"></div> a nice effect is to eyedropper up a few colors from the source image. ------ title: omino feedback img: exampleFeedback.png description: a simple rendition of the classic video feedback. similar to echo in some ways, but with scaling and centering. <div class="br"></div> animate the parameters with bumps and jostles to create wonderful rippling cadences. ------ title: omino squares img:exampleSquares.png description:a friendly agreeable geometrical modulation, in which small squares assemble to resemble your source image. what could be finer, for is not the pixel square? as it is in the small, so shall it be writ large. <div class="br"></div> *new* in this release: special wibble parameter added to the futz section. ------ title: omino spheremap controls:controlsSphere.gif img:exampleSphere.jpg imga:example2Sphere.jpg description: this filter was originally intended to help with distant starfields. but there are numerous other applications for using spherical projection (sometimes known as a panosphere). also lots of fun for less optically correct applications via the repeats parameters. ------ title: omino halftone++ mov:exampleHalftone.mov movwidth:400 movheight:300 movid:htmov controls:controlsHalftone.gif description: i've always thought halftoning was interesting. it is surprising it works at all. of course in this day and age of 128-bits per pixel who needs it. unless you just like that sort of thing. use any layer as the halftone reference. we heart graphics.